Root Canal Treatment


It is a sequence of treatment in which the inflamed & infected pulp of tooth is removed and the canal of tooth is cleaned, disinfected, and then sealed with a biocompatible material. Afterwards, the tooth is restored with a crown or restoration for protection.



Step 1: After the tooth is anesthetized, an opening is made through the tooth into the pulp chamber (nerves).

Step 2: The lengths of the roots’ canals are determined.

Step 3: Unhealthy pulp is removed. Canals are cleaned, enlarged and shaped using progressively larger endodontic files.

Step 4: Canals are filled and sealed. A metal post (pin) may be added for structural support or to retain restorative materials.

Step 5: The tooth is sealed with a temporary filling. After your root canal treatment your tooth will require a crown (cap) to be placed.

Step 6: Restoring the tooth.

Step 7: Crown to be placed on the tooth/ a modified Crown (Inlay/Onlay ) to be placed on the tooth.

Indications for the need of root canal treatment:

  • Spontaneous pain or throbbing.
  • Pain while biting or chewing.
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold.
  • Severe decay or injury that causes an abscess (infection) in the bone surrounding the tooth.
  • Traumatic injury exposing the nerve.

Why and when are root canal treatments required?

Decay of the teeth (cavities) if left untreated, generally progress and gradually destroy a significant portion of the tooth before reaching the ‘pulp’ of the tooth. The pulp of the tooth is a thin soft tissue present in the tooth canals consisting of mainly nerves and blood vessels.

Once this infection reaches the pulp it gives rise to a common ‘dental pain’. At this stage the tooth can only be saved by performing a root canal treatment.

Root canal treatment When, How, and Why?

root canal treatment, is needed when the pulp becomesinflamed or infected. The causes could be deep tooth decay, repeated dental procedures on one tooth (replacing a large filling, for example), or traumatic damage such as a crack, chip or even a root fracture. Gum disease can also give rise to root canal problems necessitating root canal treatment.

Any of these issues can result in acute inflammation of the pulp, which may cause swelling and pressure inside the tooth (that has no outlet), leading to tooth pain and, eventually, irreversible damage to the pulp. Once the pulp dies, the pain may subsidPracto Ray:India's best practice mgmnt software for doctors.For FREE demo at ur doorsteps,give a missed on 08039510536 or click initially, sometimes to return as an acute (painful) infection spreading into the periapical tissues (“peri”–around; “apex”–end), particularly the bone. It could also become a chronic (long-standing) infection with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Generally speaking, whatever the cause of root canal or pulpal disease, root canal or endodontic treatment will be necessary to save the tooth.

In order to make a proper assessment and accurate diagnosis of which tooth is affected and exactly what is causing the pain, a thorough history and examination is necessary, together with a radiographic picture (x-ray) of the tooth or area.

With the help of specialized instruments,the pulp and the canals are cleaned .We in Identzz Multispeciality Dental Clinic & Implant Centre use rotary instruments to reduce the time taken for the treatment and to reduce patients discomfort and visits. The canals are then irrigated with cleansing solutions and disinfected thoroughly.

Almost like the root system of a plant, the root canals of a tooth have a main branch and many smaller side branches, and the whole system needs to be sealed during root canal treatment to be successful long term . This sealing is done with root canal filling materials .

Since root canals are very small spaces, they require a great deal of precision and care to treat well. Therefore, we in Identzz Multispeciality Dental Clinic & Implant Centre, use state-of-the-art technology including digital (radiographic) imaging to diagnose root canal problems, and after treatment to verify that the canals are properly sealed; ultrasonic instrumentation to remove old canal fillings and posts and clean canals.

Root canal treatment really does relieve pain, not cause it — and saves teeth.

Why in Identzz Multispeciality Dental Clinic & Implant Centre?

Digital radiography makes the treatment more accurate
Rotary instruments to reduce time and number of visits.
Painless treatment due to the use of anesthetic spray nd thinnest gauge needle